EAA Airventure OSHKOSH 2023 - Here we come …
The Ascender will be presented at EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2023. We’re super excited to be presenting the Ascender and look forward to meeting you there.
The Ascender will be presented at EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2023. We’re super excited to be presenting the Ascender and look forward to meeting you there.
2022 Update
We have been silently developing a new airplane for the past few years.
We have been silently developing a new airplane for the past few years.
DoubleEnder Update, October 2015
Take a look at a new flight report that just came out. In August, I met up with Zane from BackCountryPilot who produced a nice flight report in the form of a write-up and video. Below is a link to the write-up, and you can also see the video in our “video” section.
Take a look at a new flight report that just came out. In August, I met up with Zane from BackCountryPilot who produced a nice flight report in the form of a write-up and video. Below is a link to the write-up, and you can also see the video in our “video” section.

The DoubleEnder was featured in EAA's Sport Aviation magazine in February 2014.
Please click on link below to read the article.

We were featured in Pacific Flyer in January 2014, published in Australia.
To view the full article, please download the pdf file below.

The DoubleEnder was featured in french magazine Info Pilote, published in July 2013. To see the full article please download the pdf file below.
Please note this article is in french.